Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I Got Another No

Today I cried, I cried today for another NO that I hear on my journey of getting my books published, and started my company VL@W Enterprises Inc., I had lunch with someone who for the pasted few months made me feel like he was going to invested in me then the day had arrival and he was a wolf in sheep clothing. Theirs is a lesson in this? I have always been careful with people about my books but I feel like this was real. In the end he wanted to sleep with me, and buy the books from me. I was proud at how I let the lesson being inhale, digest and learned. The first time you meet someone universe let’s you know if it’s real or not. I was so desperate in making this happen on my own that I didn’t truth my feels that his words were too fast, and his energy scream by any means necessary. You don’t have to sell the story over, and over to the same person. Either they are or they will not. My lesson was trust your first feeling, and don’t let the delays cloud your spirit and block your growth. You know where your truth lays live in it, stay in it, and trust the truth in it. I’m little older now since I started this journey on getting my books published, so when something bad happen It’s just add another pages to books and I learned. It’s still hurt because I know my books belong on the shelves of some big retail stores, my cards on the shelves of some great book store. I was born to be in a space that is empty now because I’m operated in this places that I don’t belong in but I don’t know how to get out or know anyone to help me get out. I don’t know how to get to the places, that spaces I should be in. So many no’s, when will that one yes come from. All I know is I’m wasting away in a places that I don’t belong in. How, when, where will this break thought happen. I know it will and I will be ready when it does. I’m exciting about all the No’s because I know my Yes is on its way. 2010 something big is going to happen to Virginia. You just watch and see….Be free and love hard. Later

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